object method - определение. Что такое object method
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Что (кто) такое object method - определение

OORAM; OOram; OORam; OOram role modeling method; Object-Oriented role analysis and modeling; Object Oriented Role Analysis Method
Найдено результатов: 2756
Object access method         
Object Access Method
Object access method (OAM) is an access method under z/OS which is designed for the storage of large numbers of large files, such as images. It has a number of distinguishing features, e.
Object orientation; Objects; Oject; Object (disambiguation); Objecct; Event-driven object-orientation; Objects (disambiguation)
Thing, reality, particular, existence, fact, phenomenon, percept, thing perceived, external reality.
Mark, aim, target, butt; goal, end, destination; recipient, correlate, or complement (of a conscious subject).
End, aim, intent, intention, purpose, design, motive, use, view, drift, goal, final cause.
(Gram.) Regimen, complement.
Object orientation; Objects; Oject; Object (disambiguation); Objecct; Event-driven object-orientation; Objects (disambiguation)
1) a material, physical object
2) a sex object
3) (grammar) a direct; indirect object
4) (misc.) an object of derision; an unidentified flying object (= UFO)
1) to object strenuously, strongly, violently
2) (D; intr.) to object to (to object to new taxes)
3) (L) she objected that the accusation was based on hearsay
Object orientation; Objects; Oject; Object (disambiguation); Objecct; Event-driven object-orientation; Objects (disambiguation)
<object-oriented> In object-oriented programming, an instance of the data structure and behaviour defined by the object's class. Each object has its own values for the instance variables of its class and can respond to the methods defined by its class. For example, an object of the "Point" class might have instance variables "x" and "y" and might respond to the "plot" method by drawing a dot on the screen at those coordinates. (2004-01-26)
Object orientation; Objects; Oject; Object (disambiguation); Objecct; Event-driven object-orientation; Objects (disambiguation)
·vt Sight; show; appearance; aspect.
II. Object ·adj Opposed; presented in opposition; also, exposed.
III. Object ·vi To make opposition in words or argument;
- usually followed by to.
IV. Object ·vt To set before or against; to bring into opposition; to Oppose.
V. Object ·vt To offer in opposition as a criminal charge or by way of accusation or reproach; to adduce as an objection or adverse reason.
VI. Object ·vt A word, phrase, or clause toward which an action is directed, or is considered to be directed; as, the object of a transitive verb.
VII. Object ·vt That by which the mind, or any of its activities, is directed; that on which the purpose are fixed as the end of action or effort; that which is sought for; end; aim; motive; final cause.
VIII. Object ·vt That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible; as, he observed an object in the distance; all the objects in sight; he touched a strange object in the dark.
IX. Object ·vt That which is set, or which may be regarded as set, before the mind so as to be apprehended or known; that of which the mind by any of its activities takes cognizance, whether a thing external in space or a conception formed by the mind itself; as, an object of knowledge, wonder, fear, thought, study, ·etc.
Object orientation; Objects; Oject; Object (disambiguation); Objecct; Event-driven object-orientation; Objects (disambiguation)
1) v. to ask the court not to allow a particular question asked of a witness by the opposing lawyer on the basis that it is either legally not permitted, confusing in its wording or improper in its "form." An attorney may also object to an answer to the question on the basis that it is not "responsive" since a witness is limited to answering a question as asked and is not allowed to make unsolicited comments. The trial attorney must be alert and quick in order to object before the witness answers. This is called an "objection" and must be based on a specific list of legal restrictions on questions. 2) n. a particular thing. 3) n. an aim or purpose, as "the object of the contract..." See also: objection
Object orientation; Objects; Oject; Object (disambiguation); Objecct; Event-driven object-orientation; Objects (disambiguation)
¦ noun '?bd??kt, -d??kt
1. a material thing that can be seen and touched.
Philosophy a thing external to the thinking mind or subject.
2. a person or thing to which an action or feeling is directed: she was the object of attention.
3. a goal or purpose.
4. Grammar a noun or noun phrase governed by an active transitive verb or by a preposition.
5. Computing a package of information containing both data and a description of its manipulation, that can perform specific tasks
¦ verb ?b'd??kt express disapproval or opposition.
no object not influencing or restricting choices or decisions: a tycoon for whom money is no object.
objectless adjective
objector noun
ME: from med. L. objectum 'thing presented to the mind', neut. past participle of L. obicere, from ob- 'in the way of' + jacere 'to throw'.
Object orientation; Objects; Oject; Object (disambiguation); Objecct; Event-driven object-orientation; Objects (disambiguation)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
An object is anything that has a fixed shape or form, that you can touch or see, and that is not alive.
...an object the shape of a coconut...
In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.
The object of what someone is doing is their aim or purpose.
The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity...
My object was to publish a scholarly work on Peter Mourne.
N-COUNT: usu with poss
The object of a particular feeling or reaction is the person or thing it is directed towards or that causes it.
The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French...
The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha...
N-COUNT: N of n
see also sex object
In grammar, the object of a verb or a preposition is the word or phrase which completes the structure begun by the verb or preposition.
If you object to something, you express your dislike or disapproval of it.
A lot of people will object to the book...
Cullen objected that his small staff would be unable to handle the added work...
We objected strongly but were outvoted...
'Hey, I don't know what you're talking about,' Russo objected.
VERB: V to n, V that, V, V with quote
If you say that money is no object or distance is no object, you are emphasizing that you are willing or able to spend as much money as necessary or travel whatever distance is required.
Hugh Johnson's shop in London has a range of superb Swedish crystal glasses that I would have if money were no object...
Although he was based in Wales, distance was no object.
PHRASE: V inflects [emphasis]
direct object         
Direct object; Indirect object; Object (linguistics); Grammatic object; Grammatical object; Indirect objects; Object of preposition; Prepositional complement; Direct Object; Inner object; Outer object
(direct objects)
In grammar, the direct object of a transitive verb is the noun group which refers to someone or something directly affected by or involved in the action performed by the subject. For example, in 'I saw him yesterday', 'him' is the direct object. Compare indirect object
= object
Method (computer programming)         
Class method; Instance method; Abstract method; Static method; Method (object-oriented programming); Method (programming); Member function; Method heading; Method name; Method (computing); Method (oo); Static functions; Static function; Static methods; Final method; Method (computer science); Hooking method; Method call; Special method; Overloaded method; Operator method; Method calls
A method in object-oriented programming (OOP) is a procedure associated with a message and an object. An object consists of state data and behavior; these compose an interface, which specifies how the object may be utilized by any of its various consumers.


Object Oriented Role Analysis and Modeling

The OOram (Object-oriented Role Analysis and Modeling) is a method, based on the concept of role, for performing object-oriented modeling.

Originally (1989) coined Object Oriented Role Analysis, Synthesis and Structuring (OORASS), the method focuses on describing patterns of interaction without connecting the interaction to particular objects/instances. OOram was originally developed by Trygve Reenskaug (1996), a professor at the University of Oslo and the founder of the Norwegian IT company Taskon. The use of "roles" in OOram is similar in application to that of agent-oriented programming.

Enterprise models created according to OOram may have a number of views, with each view presenting certain aspects of a model. The following ten views are proposed:

  1. Area of concern view: Textual description of a phenomenon represented in the role model.
  2. Stimulus-response view: Describes how environment roles may trigger activities in the organization (stimulus), together with the effect (response).
  3. Role list view: List describing all roles of a role model together with attributes and textual explanation.
  4. Semantic view: Describes meaning of roles and relationships between roles.
  5. Collaboration view: Describes patterns of roles and message paths.
  6. Interface view: Describes all messages that can be sent along a message path.
  7. Scenario view: Provides a sample sequence of messages flowing between roles (a concrete example).
  8. Process view: Describes data flow between roles and associated activities performed by the roles.
  9. State diagram view: For each role, the legal states can be described together with messages that trigger transitions.
  10. Method specification view: Describes what messages to send for each method belonging to a role. May also specify procedures to perform.

OOram suggests a varied mix of formal and informal notations and languages for representing and communicating models. Which view to use depends upon the needs in a particular situation.